
Audio Blog

February 2022 - March 2022

A website to upload, record, play, and share audio blogs with friends.

Tech Stacks: jQuery, Pure.css, Flask, Jinja, Heroku, PostgreSQL, Auth0

Image of Code Snippets App


• Built a website to upload, record, play, and share audio blogs, deployed it on Heroku with PostgreSQL database

• Designed prototypes with Figma and developed the Ajax based frontend with Vue.js, jQuery, and Pure.css

• Constructed RESTful APIs with Flask and Jinja2 templating, and utilized Auth0 for user authentication

• Integrated with Google Maps APIs and utilized Chart.js to aggregate summaries of activities


Image of Main Page

Screenshot of the main page. All users can view the public audios and also search for keywords in the descriptions of all audios to find related audios.

Image of Personal Page

Screenshot of the personal page. Only registered users can access this page. Users can upload audios by selecting audio files from the local or recording their sounds on the page. They can set audio to be public or private. The personal search tag can be used to search audios based on the descriptions.

External Dependencies

• We use auth0 for login.

wavesurfer.js: use it for displaying the sound waves.